Thursday, April 3, 2014

Reflection about the Death Penalty conference:

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Conference Reflection about on Death Penalty: 

      I had the opportunity to assisted to the student research and writing conference offered by the English Department on Wednesday March 26, 2014. The conference I assisted from 11:30am to 12:30pm was about “Capital Punishment”, also known as death penalty.  As I remember, the students that were participating as panelist were: Andrea Chandia, Sergio Ortiz, Steven Rivas, Gabriela Rivera, and Pedro Álvarez. In this discussion, each member exposed very well the different stances of death penalty held by different countries. The countries that they mentioned were Puerto Rico, Spain, Nigeria, France, and North Korea. First, the conference began with an introduction of this theme, which was by Gabriela Rivera. In her presention she presented and explain very well the concept of capital punishment. As she mentioned, capital punishment, often referred to as death penalty, is a legal process whereby a prison is put to death by the state as a punishment for a felony. It has, in the past, been used as a method of crime deterrence since the very earliest societies. Historical records show that even the most ancient primitive tribes practiced methods of punishing wrongdoers, including taking their lives to pay for the crimes they committed. However, the death sentence was often made in public and some of the methods that they used were torture and execution. Over the time Today, more than two-thirds of all countries have abolished it; 130 countries have abolished its legal practice, and  countries use the death penalty only for exceptional crimes. In contrast, 58 countries retain the death penalty for ordinary crimes. 

     Overall, I really liked not only the way that each of these students showed important facts, but also their point of views about it. I shared the opinion that Death penalty is inhumane and unusual punishment. I do not believe that society has any power to decide if a person lives. However, I do not supports the criminals and their behaviors. In conclusion, I am against Capital punishment. I believe that life is a precious gift that no one has the right to take away. Even the criminals themselves should not be killed. 


  1. The conference looked interesting. I did not know that the death penalty was known as Capital Punishment. You summarized very well the conference. I agree with you about the significance of the life as a gift and that society has not any power to decide if a person lives or not.

  2. I really liked the photos you chose, very powerful and summarized really well what you are explaining. I did not assist to that conference but you did a really good reflection and summarized it very well. Good job Andrea.

  3. I want to assist to this panel but i can't, and I want to go because is a very controversial theme. But you make a good reflection that explain me very good the conference. Thank you.

  4. I did not get to attend this panel but you had a very great description about how the students presented the topic about Death Penalty.
